
Eternal Hearts: A Tale Of Love And Destiny


Eternal Hearts: A Tale Of Love And Destiny

please beta and eat something- her mother said with crying. Everyone is worried about her. And her family members continously knocking on the door and said beta, open the door But she did not give any answer I said 2 or 3 times and knocking on the door And said please shanvi open the door I want to talk with you right now. I can't see you in any bad situations..please shanvi I request you open the door. Tears came in my eyes. Finally shanvi unlocke the door but not open yet. Then his dad opened the door immediately and went inside to talk to her but I stopped and said uncle should I talk to Shanvi? I enter into her room and I saw she is sitting beside her bed down on the floor. I put the plate down I pointed to all the family members and said that don't worry, I am talking. And her parents nodding. I go near her and I put my hand on her head and said "shanvi". As soon as she hears me she rubbed her tears and turn to me and saying "leave me alone now, I don't want to talk with anyone and i don't eat anything..i want to die" and again she is crying. I spoke angrily and said enough shanvi.. Why are you talking like that.. I was very sad when she was crying and tears came to my eyes looking at her. I sat next to her for a while and when she saw that I had not left yet, she turned to me and she saw me crying. And then she saying why are you crying abhishek? Finally Finally I said that I can't see you in crying, my heart hurts so much when you are sad. Why abhishek? She said Because..... Then we both started looking into each other's eyes. They both can see tears in each other's eyes. I keep one hand on her head and another hand keep on her back. I run my fingers on her hair to soothe her. Then she lay down her head on my shoulder. Soon I feel her tears on my shoulder, shirt getting wet due to her tears. princess don't cry please "I didn't want to leave her alone in such a depressed state."


The Witty Writer

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